Commercial Property Maintenance Checklist

Commercial Property Maintenance Checklist


Commercial properties require maintenance to keep the building in good condition and prevent problems that can lead to expensive repairs.  As important as this is, businesses and property owners sometimes neglect routine building maintenance either because they are busy, the expense of maintenance appears to be too great for the benefit, or they just cannot see any problems.  This last reason is the most common when it comes to roof.  For most owners, the roof is out of sight and very much out of mind.

It is best for property owners and businesses to be proactive in their approach to maintaining their roof.  The roofing system must be in good repair to protect buildings from water leaks, wind, and other damaging elements.  There are many components to a commercial roof and if any of these components are compromised or damaged, this could lead to significant damage inside the building.  Because they lack slope, flat roofs take a beating all year long. Sun, wind, tree limbs, animals, rain, ice and debris all take a toll on the roof.  In addition to environmental factors like these, humans also inadvertently damage the roof.  Well-meaning service technicians as well as tenants frequently damage the roof membrane. Because of the wide array of factors which can degrade or damage your roof, it should be inspected and repaired at least twice per year.

In this article, we will discuss what to look for when inspecting your commercial roof for signs of damage.  We will also cover the steps professional roofers like Reliable Roofing take when providing inspection and maintenance services for your commercial roof.

Main Signs of Damage to Commercial Roof

The roof of your commercial building is exposed to rain, wind, hail, animals, direct sunlight, snow, and ice that can each contribute to normal wear and tear of the roof and can even cause damage.  You should make it a point to inspect your roof twice each year, once in the spring and once in the fall, for signs of damage and to monitor wear and tear.  If you notice a potential problem with your roof, you should call in roofing professionals to provide a deeper look and diagnose the issue.

The following are the main signs of damage to your commercial roof:

1. Flashing Damage

Flashing is roofing material that protects vertical services. Think of pipes, HVAC curbs, parapet walls.  All of these items need to be flashed in order to prevent leaks.  If the flashing is worn out or damaged the building is vulnerable to leaks which can cause major water damage.

When inspecting your roof, check the flashing for cracks, open seams, holes and wear.  Also, make sure it is not missing, loose, or out of place.  Any issues with the flashing require the help of a professional.

2. Seams

Flat roofs are always covered by some sort of membrane.  There are a wide variety of membranes to choose from and they all have seams.  Like flashings, seams are vulnerable to harsh weather, sun, and human damage.  Always check the seams for water tightness.  Professionals use a device called a seam probe and actually probe all the seams to find weak points.  Weak or open seams should be patched right away.

3. Drains/Gutters and Pooling Water

Most commercial roofs do not slope the way residential roofing does which makes it more likely for water to pool in the roof.  Because of this, your flat roof has a drainage system designed to get water off the roof.  That system needs regular maintenance.  If drains are not functioning, water pools.  When water pools, it damages seams and flashings.  Generally speaking, if your roof has significant pooling, there is a drainage problem.  Drainage fixes run the gamut from the very simple, such as cleaning leaves out of drains, to the complex, such as re-flashing the drain bowls.  Any inspection should focus on drainage. A healthy drainage system will help you prolong the life of your flat roof and protect your building.

4. Holes or Rips in the Roof

Commercial roofing has more foot traffic than residential roofing as it contains equipment that requires maintenance.  Foot traffic on the roof, as well as severe weather, animals, and debris, can create holes or rips in the membrane that leave the roof and building vulnerable to further damage.  Make sure to check for tears and holes in your roof and address this issue right away.

5. General Deterioration

When inspecting your roof, look out for general deterioration such as discoloration, wear and tear, and blistering, cracking, or bubbling of the roof membrane.  While these signs of deterioration may not indicate serious damage or an issue that requires imminent attention, they could be signs that your roof is getting old and may be more vulnerable to damage.

6. Signs of Water Damage

If there are any vulnerabilities in the roof that allow water to leak or seep in, the damage caused by the water may be visible inside the building.  Check for signs of water damage such as wet spots or stains on the walls and ceiling, leaking window headers, foundation cracks, active, dripping leaks, mold or mildew, and musty odors.  If you notice any of these signs of water damage, there could be a problem with the roof.

Professional Commercial Roof Maintenance from Reliable Roofing

If you have noticed any of the signs mentioned above while inspecting your roof, you should call our professionals at Reliable Roofing to provide a deeper inspection and uncover any significant damage that needs attention.  Our seasonal commercial roof inspection and maintenance services include the following steps:


We start with a general inspection of the roof to check for damage to the membrane, flashing, and other components.  We will also inspect the drainage and ventilation system.

Routine Repairs

If we find minor damage that requires repairs to uphold the integrity of your commercial roof, we will make the repairs necessary.  These routine repairs may include the following:

  • Repair or replacement of damaged or misplaced flashing
  • Repair of holes, tears, or cracks in the roof membrane that could result in interior water damage
  • Cleaning and repair of the drainage system to allow for proper drainage
  • Repair of the ventilation system to allow for proper ventilation

Inspection Report

Our roofers will provide you with a complete report of our inspection and maintenance work that includes a description of the work done and highlights potential problems.  The report will also include photos of the roof and work completed to create a complete maintenance record.  If we believe additional repairs are needed, we will discuss the repairs with you, including a proposal and budget.

To learn about our Commercial Roofing services, call us at (815) 981-9898.